Cosmic Gypsy Mystic


09.16.2003::9:26 a.m.

I was introduced to the work of Rick Jarrow last year. I listened to his workshop on tape, and was absolutely impressed. I couldn't afford to be so impressed at the time, however, as crises layered upon me and my energy was tied up in keeping me emotionally afloat.

Now, I'm back to my original interest and intent of being truly self-employed. This feels natural to me, my strongest drive is to be self employed. I've returned to listening to Rick's workshop, Anti-Career workshop, Your Life's Work. It is brilliant and simple and inspiring as hell. I'm going to send it to my sister for her birthday, and I highly recommend that everyone listen to it.

I'm also reading some Micheal Phillips books about honest business, about simple living. I've read some of his books before and I am truly energized by the thought of voluntary simplicity, though not from a scarcity frame of mind, but in fact from a living with clarity and ease frame of mind.

I see daily how important it is to have a personal form of spiritual prayer, I see this as a self inspiring workshop one can hold several times a day, reminding ourselves of our personal magic and worth because GOD is within us.

It might sound sappy, it might sound too simple, but the honest truth is that when I recall with some well phrased affirmations or statements what is possible, what I am etc, I flow in a reverie that energizes me profoundly. I feel happier through the day, and even the most uneventful day seems magical. Hard days seem like fabulous challenges that test my creativity and memory of my source.

Some questions which have come from the Rick Jarrow workshop and are 10 course meals for thought:

"If you were guarenteed success in any endeavor, what would that be? What would you do?"

"What is trying to express itself through you?"

"What is your creative lineage? Like your family lineage, only you choose, any person real or fictional, mythical, dead, alive: where do you imagine you come from. Who are people from the past or present who power your imgaination?"

ok, get to work and find your answers to these.