Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Framework 2

09.09.2004::7:43 a.m.

The universe is with me, it supports me.

That's a personalization of some info via Seth. The universe is with YOU, it supports you. That belief will always bring the best possible developments from Framework 2.

What the heck is Framework 2, you ask?

Well, I'd hafta step back and do some explaining. First off though, I'll say that I have been actively nurturing my belief that indeed the universe is WITH me, for some time now. As much as I may have moaned and groaned about work this past year, especially the past months, I knew in the back of my consciousness that a silver lining was emerging, but when. And how.

At the moment, I feel almost on the top of the world, let's say I feel at ease. I know there is turmoil in this land, the deciding of a president etc, however the way in which I gestalt with that "reality" is too much to explain here. It is not that I ignore it entirely, however I with the consideration of the possibilities of what CAN be, I focus my energy upon the idea of what I'd like to have be.

I feel at ease, is it simply because all my debts are paid and I have some room to breathe financially ? That's certainly part of it. It's the way that it all came about that pleases me, and increases my confidence in the way I feel about life, and about the way I live it, and the expectations that can be fulfilled.

Back to Framework 2. To start with, assume that Framework 1 is the temporal manifestation we exist in. The consider this from Seth:

" Framework 2 is the creative medium that is responsible for physical life (Framework 1). It is not true, however, that positive and negative feelings and beliefs "tale" there with equal vitality. It is true that your beliefs form your reality; however you do have certain leeway, in that those desires that lead to fulfillment and positive creativity are more in keeping with the natural leanings of Framework 2 itself.

"Relatively speaking, then, these "take more quickly, and accelerate in a more direct fashion. Limiting beliefs have to meet certain resistances, for they are not inkeeping with the overall creative framework. It is easier for a body to be healthy than ill, and in terms of this discussion, for example, old age does not basically bring with it any particular diseases or susceptibility.

"Practically speaking, now, negative beliefs often finally catch up with an individual, leading to various diseases. I want to emphasize however that Framework 2 is not a neutral medium.

"Negative beliefs have to be inserted there with great repetitiveness before you meet their physical results. To that extent also, energy is not neutral, as is often said, to be used for good or evil. for example. Energy is a positive force, ever-inclinging toward creativity and fulfillment.

...the more you enjoy life, and your daily moments, the less difficulty you will have in any area, for your thoughts become naturally pleasant, and naturally attract good to you from framework 2."

To use the exisiting relationship of Frameworks 2 and 1..."state your purpose (intent) clearly in Framework 1. Then you have the faith that the event will be brought to pass....The ways and means, however, cannot be questioned, for they will come about from a greater source of knowledge than you consciously possess."

ok well that's just a very brief beginning, introduction to what is possible given Framework 2 and how to use it consciously to manifest what you want in your life....