Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Two of Pentacles

10.08.2005::8:45 a.m.

I woke up the other morning with an image in my head almost exactly like this tarot card. My image was a rainbow (muted) colored snake circling around an iching symbol. I knew in this half awake state that my image looked like the Aleister Crowley tarot card. This card's colors are a bit too muted.

The two of pentacles is a card of balancing, ever-balancing really. Interesting that this one conatins the iching symbol, a symbol of the chinese medicine system I've been learning. In most other decks the disk is a coin. The element of the pentacles is the earth, and temporal abundance and resource.

In another deck, there is a ribbon instead of a snake, making an 'infinity' sign.

Balance of finances and earthly resource. Hmmmmmm.