Cosmic Gypsy Mystic


10.30.2006::9:26 a.m.

I never said in that last post that I'm still pleased with my job.

Today is Monday, and it is hard. On top of all other life things going on, it is very hard to have my work be coming in and first thing, before I sit down and breathe, is the phone ringing and a man telling me his wife died on Saturday, and if he hears "sorry" one more time, he's going to cry.

I know, Sir. And, I'm still sorry. I know he has it worse than I do.

I can't do it any more. I'm tapped out. If I didn't have cw unravelled, and school'd be ok, but not really. It still isn't what I want to show up to everyday.

This morning, I just want to drive away, go to the beach and walk and walk and listen to the surf. I'd like to just walk away from here.

I don't really need a lot of support. I mean, it would be nice to have a warm blooded, sane companion to come home to, or at least be able to visit regularly and cozy up next to now and then. Other than that, a dog, a cat, a good friend and nature will suffice. Oh, and money to pay the rent.