Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Scrub oak leaves

11.01.2006::7:56 a.m.

Yesterday my Tuesday class was rescheduled, so I had time to have a mid week visit with JS. I left work early as I usually do on a school night, though my manager let me out even earlier, so I landed in Oakland way too early to arrive at JS's. Mills College is a skip away from her house, so I took refuge there, at the chapel, a beautiful work of art.

A guided meditation was scheduled, so I didn't go into the main chapel, instead I went into a side room that is open for general use from 7AM to 11 PM. The room was cool and dark. I left the lights out and sunk cross legged into a white leather couch, facing four redwood framed glass doors through which I could see the foot of a wild hillside, scrub oak leaves piled high.

I was so comfortable, and soothed by the room, the view, the peacefulness of the chapel. The woman leading the group meditation came in looking for an extra chair and apologized with a big friendly smile when she saw me sitting there quietly. Would I pass the test, and look like Mills Student and be allowed to stay? Yep. We exchanged helloes and I sat there for about another 20 minutes just resting my mind.

I would love for that to be my room. Relatively high ceiling, redwood walls, unfinished, cool yet warm. Silent. And with a feeling of good spirit.

The scene reminded me of Fairfax, and hiking in the coolness, bundled in wool.

Eventually I mosied to J's and we both were hunkered in working and doing homework as trick-or-treaters streamed to the door. A tasty squash ginger soup was had, and some sweet russian poppyseed bread. As much as I would have liked to have socialized with JS more during the visit, there is something to be said for simply working in the same room with another person. There's an interesting feeling of comfort. A shared productivity. There *is* interaction, but on a subtle level. As we're still getting to know each other, perhaps there's a little awkwardness, yet there is something peaceful too.

Once back in SF I had to stay out, because I was back too early. I'm not expected back from class until 1030pm so I vagabonded around town, swearing like a pirate due to the foot traffic of halloween clogging shit up.

I slept deeply, but apparently tossed and turned.

My horoscope says that Novemeber will be one of my best months, and there are some aspects regarding other people's money and me, hopefully me being given or winning a large sum. That would be nice. One can hope. And hey, it *has* happened before.

OK, I'm feeling better. Maybe it is the coffee. Maybe it is the two notes in my diaryland notes. Maybe it is thinking about my friends, old and new, whom I like very much. K.