Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

stuck in a groove

05.10.2002::5:05 p.m.

So I've discovered why I give my friends my favorite books: when I need them, there they are. The Findhorn founder Eileen Caddy book of daily "wisdom" fell and hit my foot as I came into the room and I looked at the daily offering and of course felt better. For those interested, here it is:

"Never fail to give thanks for every lesson you learn, no matter how difficult it may be. Realise that only the very best is bound to come out of it, and that every difficulty is but a stepping stone along the way. There are important lessons which have to be learnt, and the sooner you learn them, the better. Never try to shirk them or get around them, but see them for what they are and face them fairly and squarely. Never be like a gramophone needle that is stuck in a groove, repeating the same old mistake over and over again. When you want to change, you can do it. When you want to be different and live a victorious life, you simply have to make up your mind that you are going to do it, and you will do it. Why not start right now seeing the very best in life, and enjoy life as it should be enjoyed?"