Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

So Long, Laurie

01.14.2007::10:40 p.m.

Just under a month ago Laurie Monroe, daughter of Bob Monroe, died due to complications (er, termimal?) of non-small cell lung cancer (so I've read in other posts).

Who, you might ask, is Laurie Monroe, or Bob Monroe, and why should I care?

I met Laurie in March of 2006 while attending my first retreat/week long session of consciousness exploration at the Monroe Institute. It happened to be the ten year anniversary of Bob's death the day our retreat ended. We got to meet and have a casual lecture given by Laurie during the retreat. She was a real "kick-in-the-pants" kind of spirit, you could tell just by meeting her once. She was rather young, just 55. I thought that I would meet her many more times as over the coming years I would attend more and more trainings in Virginia. Alas, not so.

My week spent at the Monroe Institute was as special an adventure as my walk across Spain. Possibly more so.

I need to go back. Soon, and often.