Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Ollie Ollie Oxenfree!

12.11.2005::10:45 p.m.

I attended my final acupressure class for the quater today. i don't think my acupressure teacher likes me. I'm not sure why, and the only reasons that I can come up with are that she knows that while I respect her and the class she offers, I'm not a guru seeker, and I am no neophyte in regards to energy work, and therefore am not one of the average folks who are gaga over her. I respect her years of experience as an acupuncturist and energy worker, yet don't believe she knows all. She likes to think she is a "channel" like my beloved Jane Roberts, but I wouldn't say that if she is one, she is nearly as incredible a one.

Anyway, I'm glad to be done with it for now, I was getting a bit tired of class. I'll take the next few months of no class to study further and become much more knowledgeable regarding the points and meridians.

Something neat happened today during my session as a recipient. I had easy visions of myself as practitioner, in my cozy house in Marin. I saw these midlife women clients come in to my home office and me working with them. I knew that these were ladies dealing with chronic pain issues, fibromyalgia and the like. It all felt so real, and so right. I was grateful for the vision, it helped me feel as though I have a destiny within reach, something that is in the manifesting and that is on its way sooner than later in my life.

I have no doubts that what I saw in my mind's eye is true and will happen. I feel inspired to begin preparation for such clientele, getting my hypnotherapy scripts written and polished; becoming more adept at dealing with acupressure to help. Now, along comes the house, here housey housey, here housey!!!!