Cosmic Gypsy Mystic


11.10.2005::8:00 p.m.

As James and Bradley and I sipped our wine, we spoke a lot about my new job I shared with them what I've shared here: that as I look at dead bodies, say the one's I am dressing, I am compelled to really see that any expectations that we felt projected upon or from within us as to how we should live, or live up to....don't matter a darn bit. I told someone the other day that at none of the memorials that I've been at have I heard said of a person, " oh s/he was such a good person, s/he did everything, was everything that her parents (et al) thought they should do or be. Never.

So how do we get it in our heads to live daily by weirdass expectations????

James, who is rather psychic said that he could see an image of a mermaid above me. He said it looked like the star card in the Crowley tarot deak, which is what you see at the bottom of the entry. The other is a version from the Rider-Waite Deck.

The image isn't really good enough to see the detail of the card. One of my favorite Tarot scholars interprets the Star:

"Everything in it speaks of wholeness, openness and healing. The Star is naked, the Star is free. Star pours out water freely, confident that life will supply her with new energy. The picture suggests all those mythical chalices that could never be emptied. In the Star we see the inner self joyfully experiencing itself. The Star maiden combines to two female architypes, the inner sensitivity of the High Priestess brought out and expressed with the passions of the Empress. Star is a card of inner calm. In diivinatory readings the card expresses hope, a sense of healing and wholeness, especially after emotional storms."

Interestingly enough (to me), recently I read the tarot for myself and the Star card was in a prominent position, and so James connecting it with me seems quite a synchronicity.