Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

it's hot tonight

05.29.2002::11:49 p.m.

It is just before midnight as I write this and it is very warm out, the first of a whole summer of warm nights. The air is full of night sweetness from the heat melting the fragrance from the trees and plants. I ride home on my bike in the dark, hoping a skunk, racoon, deer or cat wouldn't run in my path...they can be a harsh bump to take.

I savored every breathe I took, and I simultaneous tried to breathe deeper yet faster to maximize the joyful experience of feeling free. That's how this kind of atmosphere gets me feeling. Happy, carefree.

And where I came from was a sad place. A woman I met and whose life has been a mosh pit of emotions the last three weeks and then some. So many details, suffice it to say that she lives witha brain "condition" that basically is like having a chronic bad drug trip. Ew. She asked me if I would help her organize her apartment tonight, she lost her paycheck. We found in in less than a half hour of my arrival, yet I stayed a few hours more chatting. The pharmacy never received a presecription for her, the second nigtht she'll have to do without. She has some of a different kind to help her condition, but the missing drug would make her night less horrific. I volunteer to stay with her until she sleeps, and she is thankful. On an empty stomach she nearly falls asleep eating just 10 minutes after taking her dose. I practically have to carry her to her bed. She asks me to get the last piece of sushi for her, when I get back not 30 seconds later, she's asleep, like the dead.

Her world is wracked with a mental tape loop, it doesn't sound appealing. I am thankful for the perspective I have of the world, and my mental health. My peeks into other people's version of this life makes me feel charmed and ever so grateful.

That's all I have to say. It's a beautiful night. All the windows are open and the bugs are staying outside it is so darm warm inside.