Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Dream Skirt

12.29.2005::4:29 p.m.

Had a very wonderful dream last night. I felt that I essentially was living a second life, and oh...what a life.

The dream begins with me living with CW in a house, though not the house or location we live in now, and I do not know where in fact we were. A narrow street, or road is where we lived. Across the street from our home was a brick building. It was used as a home, but was likely an industrial building of some kind at one point in time.

I had often (apparently had a history on this street) seen glimpses of a boy through a tall wooden fence of the brick home, the side patio or garden it might have been. I wouldn't have guessed that there were others living there, though I might have assumed that maybe two parents did.

Curious, I looked through the fence and somehow the boy was interested in me, and invited me in. As soon as I entered the property, it felt as though I'd entered an entire other world. I can recall this feeling now (having forgotten it all day), and the house/property seemed an independent world, self contained, which was why I never saw the other children, they never or rarely left the house.

I don't know for certain how many children there were, but several to many. The boy appeared to be the youngest and he was a teenager, maybe 14. The others I saw or knew were around were all girls, young women really, as they were in their very late teens to perhaps mid to late 20's.

I immediately felt at home. The interior was brick and there were old oriental and Turkish rugs. A very ecclectic, almost European air about the place. A sophistication was apparent, yet a jolly and high spirited honesty about everyone and everything.

There was something slightly old-fashioned about the scene, and again perhaps English countryesque. The children were wearing wool and tweed type fabrics.

There was this one particular sister....Swoon. And I mean swoon. I don't know that I've ever been in love with a person I'd met or seen in my dreams, but something, something was very interesting about this dream.

I don't know her name. She wore a tweedish skirt just above her knees, and a sweater of some kind. Tall and slender, and maybe in her mid 20's.

oops, gotta leave work now. Check back for the rest of the dream, same entry!!!