Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Back to class

05.09.2006::4:32 p.m.

Well, I signed up for the next level hypnotherapy class. I got my certification in September 2000. Though I have since then held the dedicated intention to be self employed with my own hypnotherapy practice, I've chosen other routes working for others and not fulfilling this intention.

Over the years my interest has grown but I've felt distant and uncertain regarding my skills.

So today I called my teacher and signed up. We chatted a little bit which was nice. I was originally going to take the level 5 in October, but after talking with her, this upcoming class, May 20th, is the better one for me to go to. I told her that I was feeling rusty, and that I hadn't been practicing since I got my certificate.

I feel a lot better now that I've made the descision. Even though I almost cried on the phone when she asked me how's life, how am I doing. I think she may have heard my voice crack in my hesitated response of "fine" and she said, "well it's a challenge to hold oneself up in the world happenings of today." While this may be true, actually I don't have a problem so much with world events as I do with my inner fulfillment issue and my partner going crazy/unstable issue. Weird. But anyhoo...while I'm a little nervous, I am looking forward to class.