Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Feminine or Bust

08.01.2006::6:25 a.m.

Last day in Tahoe. Hell on wheels at times (when all family members are present), paradise at others (at the beach or in the woods alone with nature). I had brought two books with me, neither got cracked, instead I bought the Da Vinci Code, which I enjoyed, especially because I cracked aspects of the plot early, and also because it completely catapaulted me into someone else's world, a true vacation.

Interestingly, it was about keeping the flame of the Feminine aspect of the Divine alive. As I sit in a local cafe, I picked up the AUgust issue of The Sun magazine and am reading the article/interview about/with Marion Woodman, which "coincidentally" is mostly about just that.

Coming home today. I'll miss swimming in the fresh water of the lake, but I'm glad to have visited after a 20 year absence.