Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Baby Third Eye

06.23.2005::8:18 a.m.

Dream 06.19.05

I was standing around with some people at a casual gathering, much like a music concert at the Polo Field or Stern Grove. Next to me was a non-descript man, his essence was gentle and kind. If I had to recall how he looked, I�d say hair to below ears, maybe a little longer, light brown, kind blue eyes, maybe a beard but not necessarily. He reminded me of the style of the 1970�s. in his arms he held a small child between the ages of 1-1/2 to 3 years of age. The child appeared to be well behaved, peaceful, and it had an interesting physical difference: it only had one eye, and it was located where the Third Eye is. It was a beautiful eye, normal looking. Nobody seemed to notice the difference or even care about it, it was treated as normal. So I did too. This last part I think is the key.


I had been working with my Robert Monroe Gateway Experience CD set, practicing my out-of-body training, for about a week. I had also been reading all the Robert Monroe books again, getting my psyche in the loop regarding my other consciousness control and exploration exercises. I figure this is a confirmation that my skills are open and that I�m in a baby stage!