Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

A Funny Thing Happened to Me On the Way...

08.31.2005::7:07 a.m.

Well, Zuzu knows. SHe knows that the day passed and things got better. She also kows that I didn't go to Fairfax that day. As soon as I dropped CW off, I went to Cafe Bean There, had a coffee, then went home to unclog the sink, which I did quite successfully with two runs of salt/baking soda and vinegar. Then I went to the back 40 and cut down a medium sized tree BY HAND. That is I used a small hand pruning saw and sawed the thing down as well as chopped it into small bits to fit into the green composting bins the city hauls away.

I did that all in less than three hours. She came home and was surprised at how much I'd gotton done. It is amazing how shear anger seems to make one stronger, it *was* amazing how I got that tree down and cleared out.

Things got better. But I still have my dreams. My own house in the Sunset district, if I can't get one in Bolinas.

I've been going to the beach a lot, Ocean Beach, where I grew up. Global warming has been great for that area, and the cafe is doing well with all the sunny day traffic.

A synchronicity on my way across the Great Highway. I passed helloes with a passing surfer. Then I called him back. I had seen dolphins I think, the past week, swimming up and down the shore close to the surfers. They were very dark though so they really didn't look like dolphins and in my 37 years here, haven't ever seen any up here.

He said yes, they are porpoises. He too had grown up here, and asked where I went to school. Turns out we went to the same high school, and that I was in his brother's class of '85. He told me his bro's name and I laughed and said, oh yeah I know him, we went to a dance together. The surfer said, you must be Cassie Zavala.

I looked at him, wondering how the hell he could remember my name, especially my last name seeing as how I met him maybe once, 26 years ago. He said, well, my brother didn't go to too many dances with girls. It's true. He was a bit of a spastic geek at the time. We were in the same homeroom together for 4 years, so I knew him pretty well. I surrendered to his pleading and went to the "Boat Dance" with him, where we travelled on the bay in some red and white fleet boat. I don't actually think I danced with him though, I remember just running around the ship.

He turned out to be a really nice guy. He has flaming orange hair, which didn't help him in high school. But he was slender and had a zillion freckles on his face, which I liked. I don't think he got a kiss. Maybe I felt sorry for him and he got one, but only one.

His brother was very nice, a well mannered chap, and handsome, with the same freckles, but brown hair.

Anyway, it was funny. Of all the passing surfers to hail and ask about the'd be him. It *is* a small world.