Cosmic Gypsy Mystic


08.30.2006::9:42 a.m.

Penny ate a greenie! This is her second in months. She's mostly been carrying them around the house, or burying them. Last night as I sat on my bed reading, she hunkered down and began sniffing a greenie. Then she licked it. It's stale and old, but she liked it and knawed and knawed. It was sweet ot watch her enjoying herself, lost in the focus of her greenie chewing. I haven't seen her so content since she's been here.

In other news, still looking for a different job. Ideally it'd be half to two thirds time, so that I can kind of have time to study, yet also not be a sad wage. Or at least highly flexible hours so that I can work long some days, and short on school days.

I've asked HotHeidi to fill me in on the UCSF coding and interviewing she'd once done, maybe I can squeeze in somewhere without having my MA yet. Will see.