Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

Lucky Penny!

06.18.2006::8:12 a.m.

Well, I almost entered a post yesterday *before* picking up Penny the Dog for our two week trial run. It was a harrowing day with a list of rules/responsibilities that I had to agree to. It was a painful day...until I finally went to pick up Penny at about 7pm.

CW was arriving back from a walk when we pulled up in my car. I had several bags of things/supplies to carry so she took Penny's leash and walked her in. CW looked like a space Alien stepping on earth for the first time, not knowing how to do something.

But as soon as we got inside, she very nicely welcomed Penny, so immediately went to CW for a pet and a hello (cuter!).

We opened a bottle of red wine, and sat on the couch with Penny eating cheese and crackers and having a welcoming party. The whole experience was different than CW imagined, better than she imagined I'd say. At one point Penny moved from being curled up in a bun against my leg, to going over to CW and curling up into a bun pushing against her leg. CW just looked, astonished, and with an unexpected loving awe. I could see her mentally going over the extreme list of agreements she'd drawn up, her concerns that the dog would be extremely needy and nosy and get into her stuff.

We finally sat down for dinner a little after 9pm and by 10, CW had looked over at Penny, as we were of course talking about her, and said "we love you Penny."

Deep breaths all around.

Things got a lot easier. Earlier in the day, our male cat was having a hard time at the cat box, so I stayed home from my hypnotherapy class (a big bummer), to call the vet. At 3PM the vet picked up the cat, yes he needs about $1000.00 worth of worked done to flush the crystals from his bladder. Cathaterization (ew) flushing, observation.

That put a hard twist on the day, making Penny's arrival a hard thing to consider for CW. I kept calm, and we dealt with it all, and this morning it is basically a peacable kingdom. More to come.