Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

St. Mary

11.08.2005::7:40 a.m.

Zuzu has implored me to write about my reflections inspired by my work. I thank her from the bottom of my heart, how wonderful it is to have someone in one's life to implore them share their perspective, their life. I was all set to type a bit this morning, got up early, and realized I ahd to go vote before work. So I'm sitting in a new little cafe near my work, the Red Bicycle Cafe, squeezing what I can out of five minutes.

I haven't mentioned yet that my 90 year old Aunt is in the hospital. She fell about ten days ago (after 2 manhattans), hitting her eye brow on the corner of the stove and landing at St. Mary's hospital.

This is the aunt that I spent the summer visiting, carting abround in my car for shopping ventures, as she had to give up her car early this year. Actually I think that I began spending time with her in March. Not having work I was able to spend about two days a week with her, the most time I've ever spent with her in my 37 years on earth.

I used to visit her on my way home from school when I was in junior high. She's always been a very social person, and also very awkward, bruesque in her way of relating. Like a lurching car, her touch has always been abrupt.

In some ways I wish I'd known her a little longer, a little more in depth in her last years, but this has been a good summer. I know that I helped fill the gap between daybreak and her inevitable death. she's been wanting to die, and yet death doesn't come easily, often.

She hasn't been eating, and she doesn't know where she is (from our view). I know that she is in between worlds, and I visit her to help smooth the path if I can.

More soon.