Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

A Secret Diary, day 1

05.03.2002::9:36 p.m.

(this entry was translated and typed into the computer by Tina as dictated by Secret Agent Dog. There may be a loss in the translation as Tina speaks cat and is only learning dog)

So one morning two days ago the woman with the short fair fur and the man with the tail on his head went somewhere and haven't come back yet. They usually do come back so I feel O.K. about this. Now this woman with long dark fur is putting food in my dish and has me walk her in the woods, and she goes into the next room for a long time when the sun is away, she doesn't let me in, but I always see her after awhile.

She's really bossy and she makes me sit every time we get to a low spot in the ground where the boxes with people sometimes pass by.I've been getting tired of hearing her boss, so I just do it before she even says anything now.

Today we got into a box and it made the trees and buildings move while we stayed still. When we got out of the box, the outside looked different when we got in, so I think she's into magic or something, or maybe I ate too many weeds on my walk and I'm confused. Maybe I shouldn't have licked that toad.

As bossy as she is, I kiss her all the time, even when she doesn't ask.

Kilo and the lady who cries visited today and the crying lady told the dark furred woman that I am more outgoing than she's ever seen, and I don't know what she meant because I stayed in the yard the whole time and didn't try to get out at all. People are weird.

A cynical man came to eat with the new woman I kiss a lot and I didn't bark at him, he gave me two hot dog treats and so that was cool. He petted me and I didn't even get nervous or anything, and I even leaned on his feet when they sat on my porch.

Cricket was a pain but I made him yelp 'uncle' a lot.
