Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

intro to the idea

2001.07.24::9:36 p.m.

I'm kind of proud of myself. I'm looking over notes and writings that I did over a year ago that show me that much of the thoughts I have been esposing lately that I thought began with my reading the Seth material in September 2000, were rearing their heads long before I had read anything by or about Seth and Jane Roberts. I'm going to post those, unedited pieces here in the next three or so entries. I've revisited them because I intend to draw from, reshape and infuse newlife from and into them for a short story that I'll be submitting to an international film festival open submission.

So here they are, uncut, unedited, raw footage from my mind about some perspectives about life that I've lived and that I've observed others living and how I may have been affected by them.


This is an honest story about three dishonest women. It is a story of accelerated and overlapping karma. In the beginning is birth, the middle death and the end has yet to be determined. It has yet to be determined if indeed there is an end. The end has been determined, but you wouldn't believe it if told about it just yet.(The end is reconnection). All three women embody primordial forces of nature, microcosms of the macrocosmic SOURCE, the disconnection is the deceit, the destruction of souls and flesh.

It is no mistake that they are related: grandmother, daughter and granddaugter, and all of them born in the sign of Aries, God of War, sign of the recreation of identity, of fire and all that it implies.

The life lessons of the grandmother were embedded within the daughter and granddaughter before they had been born, and if looked at in the right light the three lives are one life unfolding and reconnecting to itself, and to infinite liquid life energy: THE COSMOS.

The grandmother, Rose, died in the flesh long ago, making daughter, Mother, and granddaughter: woman. The timing was no mistake, a temoral release for a tortured soul, yet in her afterlife the earthbound progeny suffered still.

Where was the dishonesty? In the denial of hurt. The denial that it hurt to not have a Mother. For each this was different. The daughter of the ancestors provided life, and a lesson that life was hard for women, and so that is what flavored her love to the grandmother, the love was hard, the lesson: do not expect an easy life. She was a good student and a poor revolutionary, the grandmother, she didn't expect an easy life, and so she got a hard life. What she was not taught, was how to release the desire for a life that she really wanted, to be herself, her inherent power as a child of the universe to unfold in all her glory, like a Hindu god revealing its true nature to a warrior prince: fiery, fluid and free.