Cosmic Gypsy Mystic

dream: intersections and zombies


Dream of scissor carrying zombies

Another dream. Sunday morning I awoke with a dream that I find quite interesting.

I was riding as a passenger in an american convertable, at least 70's model. This guy David V was driving the car. I had known him from Whole Foods when I worked there. Saturday I saw him in a cafe. He's always asked me out and I always say no, but he seems determined or persistent in a way that is irritating. He's a nice guy, and I would hang out with him if he would stop trying to get me to go out with him every time we meet. Anyway, he isn't a regular person in my life.

We were driving through a large intersection in the city but one I didn't recognize. it may not neccesarily exist, but I know it was in the city in the dream.

There were a lot of roaming people in the intersection. They looked a lot like bicycle messenger types. Not young kids, but my contemporaries, but fringe and slightly grungy and thinking as though they are revolutionaries but really they are just kind of rebellious, but they have a rote malice. They are kind of scary because they seem unpredictable, they have a glazed kind of look in their eyes, though they smile. It's not quite the crazy Jack Nicholson smile in The Shining, but it is a creepy smile.

Anyway, there are many many groups of twos and threes of them roaming and each of the people has a pair of scissors in their hands, with really long shears, like a foot long. Light, skinny, yet long. They are going around, again, like zombies with malintent, snipping at people. Not aggressively but slowly. Incessant snipping.

I feel uncomfortable and somewhat endangered but I can tell that there is no room for any kind of overt defense. Any kind of quick or determined move draws their attention and they become more assertive in their snipping. The fill the intersection so that we must drive slowly so as not to hit any of them. I'm not sure why we are being so careful of them since they are obviously not concerned with our health or safety, it's a non-issue with them, they are snippers and that's what they do. All we can do is drive slow and get through the stream of them. I don't see any other cars around, but I know that there are others, at least people. We are not alone but we aren't allied with anyone either.

The threat to us exists but somehow David knows them, like he was at one time a part of their organization or if not that one, some kind and no longer, but they recognize him. They kind of nod and let us pass like a stoner would, nodding their heads but not quite "there" and we aren't completely safe. A false move and they could turn on us.

Ahead of us are two women who I don't recognize. One of them holds a dacshund dog. A little band of snippers walk in their direction and slowly one snips the dog's stomach wounding it. There is no blood but I see that they are snipping slowly and one at a time and not stopping. The women are horrified and crying and screaming but there isn't anything anyone can do. The dog is dying but is isn't reacting in anyway as the snippers snip the internal organs out. It's disgusting how cold they are as they do it.

I wasn't scared of the dream, the me in the dream had enough objectivity to be interested in the meaning of the characters my subconscious (I) had decided to bring up.

convertable (changeable, conversion, movement, flexible)

intersection (crossroads, intersect, choice)

zombies (habit, habitual)

scissors/snipping (cutting: could be criticism (self))

small dog (innocent loving dependent instinct impulse being without justifying)

david v -driver (someone I used to know - a me I used to know? driving the now me)

my personal reflections of my dream:

the old me driving me through a neighborhood of myself, crossing over to a new place (because I knew that we only had to get through the intersection to safety). The grungy zombies are my old critcal aspects that slowly cut me down, my honest innocent (like the fool in tarot innocent, open to living without justifying my existence) loving self. I am dependent upon my owner's, parts of myself that have the ability to keep me safe. It's a matter of them not walking me in that neighborhood. Cutting out my detoxifier. My internal cleansing organ (interesting that I saw them as grungy) being snipped out.

my old self, old personality getting me through habitual criticism to a new place due to familiarity but not complety as David had grown since the days when he ran with those folk.

patience and waiting had a big part of this, of me getting through the intersection, this is not to be overlooked. I just have to keep driving through the intersection to get to the other side.